Emilia-Romagna Region initiates research with Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Senseable City Lab. New smart technologies based on sensors and data collection to improve citizens' quality of life. This is the subject of the research that the Region will initiate with the Senseable City Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA, through the feasibility study aimed at opening a detachment of the lab in the Tecnopolo Manifattura of Bologna starting in 2025.
ART-ER, CINECA and OBLOO sign an agreement to attract international startups and scaleups on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. The goal is to support the creation in the regional territory of an "ecosystem" of innovative companies within the Technopole Manifattura Data Valley Hub, working in close connection with the world of research, industry and institutions in the area, using the potential of supercomputing to develop their business.