16 consoli in visita al Tecnopolo

Consuls from 16 European countries visiting the Technopole

The consuls, on an institutional mission to Emilia-Romagna, visited the "Leonardo" supercomputer, accompanied by the president of Cineca and Ifab, Francesco Ubertini, the Data Center of the European Weather Center with Matteo Dell'Acqua, director of the facility.

Present at the meeting were the Consul General of the Republic of Croatia, Stjepan Ribic, together with Honorary Consul in Bologna Fortunato Giovanni Peron; the Consul General of the Republic of Albania, Anila Pojani; and the manager of the consulate in Milan of the Republic of Austria, Wolfrang Marchardt, together with the Honorary Consul in Bologna, Elena Longobardi; the Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ana Paskaleva; the Consul General of the French Republic, Francois Bonet; the Consul General of the Republic of Kosovo, Diamant Kastrati; the Consul General of the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Nica; the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mascha Baak, together with the Honorary Consul in Bologna, Valentina Tepedino; the Consul General of the Republic of Poland, Anna Golec-Mastroianni; the Minister-Counsellor in charge of the Consulate General of Romania, Edmond Neagoe; the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia, Radmila Selakovic; Acting Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia, Boris Antolic; Consul General of the Kingdom of Spain, Alvaro Trejo Gabriel y Galan; Consul of the Principality of Monaco, Augusto Spaggiari; Consul General of Ukraine, Andrii Kartysh; Deputy Consul General of the Deputy Consul General of the Swiss Confederation, Nicola Felder.